Week commencing 18th July
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope everyone who was able to make it had a lovely day at Slimbridge on Friday, the children all seemed to have a great time despite the drizzly weather
We have now reached our last week of term, but there is still more exciting things to come with the summer show tomorrow 2-4 at the Bradstone field and our sports day coming up on tuesday at the park at 11.30, the met office tells me we are in for a lovely day so fingers crossed and have your sun hats and cream at the ready . The children will demonstrate their fantastic sports skills until about 12.00 then we will have a picnic (so don’t forget your sandwiches!) followed by our end of year ceremony.
Next week we will also be having lots of group games and fun including playing board games focusing on shape and numbers, playing some of the children’s favourite games such as hide and seek and whats the time Mr wolf? and using a roll of large paper to do some group drawings, working together and sharing ideas.
In our small group time we will be looking at health and self-care, learning our hand washing song and talking about when and why we need to wash our hands. We will also be playing some ring games.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be ‘w’. We will be doing our last sports day practice and will be playing ‘I spy’.
Diary dates
Sunday 17th- Summer Show
Tuesday 19th- Sports day
Thursday 21st- Last day of term
Friday 22nd- Inset day
Wednesday 17th August- craft session 10.30-12.00
Kind regards