Week Commencing 8th July
Dear Parents/Carers
What another beautiful week. we had a great day at Cotswold farm park on Tuesday and the children have been talking about all the things they saw during small group time.
Its not long now until the end of term, and not long until our sports day, the children have started practicing their races this week and are doing really well (although a fair bit of cheating in the egg and spoon race ).
The children have loved pirate play this week, building boats, making treasure maps and digging up treasure, next week we will be designing our own pirate flags.
We are pleased to announce we now have frog-lets, 10 at the last count, the children have been watching them swim and jump around and have been doing some great counting. Next week we will be taking them down to the river to set them free.
In our small groups we will be playing a listening game called 'which instrument' and reading stories together- looking at how stories are structured, talking about the characters and looking at familiar words, letters and sounds.
Please find attached this months ECAT newsletter
Diary dates:
Thursday 18th Sports day and end of year picnic 11-1 we would love it if you could all join us.
Wednesday 24th- Last day of term
Thursday 25th- Inset day - we will be having a garden clean up any volunteers greatly appreciated.
Monday 2nd September- Inset day
Tuesday 3rd September- Back to pre-school
Have a great weekend
Kind regards
Fliss and team