Week Commencing 13th May
Dear Parents,
This week the children have lots of fun experimenting with paint, using different tools to make different patterns and marks. Vanessa has also made the children some literacy/writing sets that they can carry around in their play which have been very popular.
The children have also been creating some masterpieces with the junk modeling basket, although they have requested more boxes such as cereal boxes so if you have any empty boxes at home please send it in with your child next week.
Next week we will be looking closely at flowers, how they grow, there names and painting flower pictures.
We have been continuing to support the children in their independence, this is especially important for the children moving up to school in September, you can support your child by encouraging to put on their own shoes and coats, and making sure they wipe their own bottoms after using the toilet. These are skills that your child will need when they are at school.
In our small group time we will be acting out familiar stories and playing describe and find it one of my favorite letters and sounds games.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'o'. Our PE sessions are going well with the children being the best year yet at putting there clothes safely in their bags when changing and finding them when we return! Next week we will be playing parachute games.
Don't forget leavers photos Monday 13th 10 am it would be lovely if all children moving onto school could make it.
We really need new committee members to join our team, if you would like to find out more information please feel free to speak to me or join us at our next meeting on Tuesday 21st May at 7.30 pm to see what would be involved (Biscuits and tea provided!)
Have a fantastic weekend
Kind regards