New Term Starts 23rd April
Dear Parents/Carers I hope you are all having a lovely Easter break. Today is the day you find out about school places if your child is...
Week Commencing 1st April
Dear Parents, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and making the most of the lovely weather! It was so nice to see some o you on...
Week Commencing 25th March
Dear Parents, What a lovely week we have had watching our frogspawn grow into tadpoles and welcoming five little caterpillars that are...
Week Commencing 18th March
Dear Parents, Thank you to everyone who purchased a rednose biscuit last week, we had a lovely day on friday and had great fun in our red...
Week Commencing 11th March
Dear parents Thank you to those who supported our race night fundraiser, either by attending or donating money/raffle prizes, it was a...
Week Commencing 4th March
Dear Parents The children made the most of the lovely weather last week playing in the water tray, playing ring games and ball games in...
Week Commencing 11th February
Dear Parents, The children had a lovely week last week celebrating Chinese new year, we had some tasty foods to try each day. the...