Week Commencing 20th November
Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you to everyone that joined in today dressing in spots and joining us for our teddy bears picnic, the children had fun decorating their Pudsey pictures and biscuits and we raised some money for children less fortunate.
The children have enjoyed a variety of different shape activities this week, including building with shape blocks, creating pictures using shapes and shape puzzles, next week we will be introducing some shape songs and looking at the different properties of shapes.
Following our experiments this week in our small group time we will be setting up a science lab in the role play area where the children will be able to carry out some of their own simple experiments.
In our small group time we will be looking at rhyming words, having fun making up rhyming strings. We will also be playing a game called animal sounds to support the children's letters and sounds.
Rising fives
Louise Florrie's mum has kindly offered to come in to do some fun activities with us on Monday afternoon, we will also making up musical shows in small groups and then doing a musical show and tell for the other groups.
Please join us for our next coffee morning on Monday 9.30-11.30 £3.00 donation+raffle, we will be raising money for forest school equipment and supplies, this will be at laura's house Nottal cottage, 25 Latton (Accessed via croft close SN6 6DL)
Diary dates
Monday 20th- Coffee morning
Thursday 23rd- Committee Meeting
Tuesday 28th- Parents evening
Friday 8th December- Theatre trip (please could you bring in your reply slips and money by Friday 24th)
Monday 11th- Rising fives to visit the school to see their nativity play
Have a lovely weekend
Kind regards
Fliss and Team