Week Commencing 5th February
Dear parents/carers
The children have had another fun week playing parachute games, making obstacle courses and running races. They have also been keen to brush the dinosaurs teeth so Vanessa kindly brought In some tooth brushes, this led onto some great conversations about what dinosaurs eat and how we all need to keep our teeth clean and healthy.
Next week we will be getting crafty and making some pictures and cards for our loved ones. We will also be making a Mark making area on the floor as some of the children have been doing some great work this way.
After a meeting at the school this week we will be putting in an extra effort to support the children in holding their pens/pencils correctly using a range of fun inventive activities, and looking at letter formation for children who are able to write their letters. Feel free to join in at home keeping it In formal and fun always works best. For letter formation try writing in sand or flour as this is always a fun and simple activity and as it is less pertinent children are often more willing to have a go.
In our small groups we will be looking at a range of different household objects and talking about their use. Using technology toys/games. And playing rhyming pairs.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'e'. We will also be looking at different rhymes.
Diary dates
Monday 5th coffee morning
Friday 9th INSET DAY preschool closed
Have a great weekend
Kind regards