Week Commencing 12th March
Dear parents/carers
It was so lovely to see so many of you join us for the mummy's lunch, the children were so excited and did a fantastic job at looking after their mummy's.
The children have also made some fantastic healthy choice plates thus week they are still finding it very hard to differentiate what tastes good a d what's good for our bodies but after chatting they made some very good selections and what brilliant cutting out we gave had as well.
Next week we gave zoo lab visiting from 2.00-3.00 they will be bringing in a selection of creatures for the children to see and telling them a story using the creatures. If this is not your child's session please feel free to join us.
We will be doing out own creature/bug exploring next week using the magnifying glasses to look at them in detail.
In our small group time we will be playing a game called digging for treasure which looks at labelling the initial sounds in words and looking at different occupations.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'i' and playing musical corners from the letters and sounds programme.
We are encouraging the children with self-care and Independents at pre-school this involves encouraging them to put on their own clothing and coats including having a try at zipping it up, putting their things away and wiping their own bottoms (we do check after to avoid soreness) it would be great if you could try this at home particularly if they are starting school this year.
We are looking forward to the Easter egg hunt on Saturday 24th March it would be fantastic if you could join us and show your support, we will also be putting an Easter bonnet activity letter in your child's sharing bag next week and their will be an Easter bonnet parade at the Easter egg hunt.
Please find attached this month's ECAT newsletter which shows our book and song/rhyme of the month and great tips for communicating with your child.
Happy mothers day for Sunday and have a lovely weekend
Kind regards
Fliss and team