Week Commencing 26th March
Dear parents/carers
I hope you are all able to join our easter egg hunt tomorrow the children always have a lovely time and it is a great way to support the pre-school.
We also have our clothing colection on monday at 9.00 am so dont forget to have a spring clearout and pop it over the fence.
The children have enjoyed making up lots of stories and adventures around the snall eorld animals this week and have raken them outside in the garden to contuniue their play.
We also welcomed Jo this week she will be joining the team as cover staff so you may see her in from time to time working alongside the staff.
Next week we will be getting ready for Easter, decorating eggs, making spring/Easter pictures and of course we have to have a bit of chocolate do will be making Easter nests!
In our small group time we will be making writing buddy sock puppets tjis is a great idea given to me by the school for a fun way to help the children to hold their pens/pencils correctly.
We will also be continuing to have fun playing with words that start with the same sound.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'k' and we will be playing 'Bertha goes to the zoo"
After Easter we will be starting our PE sessions this is to help the children learn routines such as changing for PE ready for school as you can imagine if 30 odd children are changing fir the first time at school this can be quite a task so we try and help by supporting the children before they start school. All your child will need is a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
If your child turns 3 before the 30th March and you would like to claim 30 hours free funding you only have one week left to submit your claim through HMRC.
Diary dates
Saturday 24th- Easter egg hunt
Monday 26th- Clothing collection
Wednesday 28th- Parents evening
Thursday 29th- Last day of term
Monday 16th April- First day of summer term
Friday 4th May- Inset day- Pre-school closed
Monday 7th- Bank holiday
Monday 28th- Start of Half term
Kind regards
Fliss and team