Week Commencing 21st May
Dear Parents/ Carers
I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather. Thank you for sending in sun hats and suntan lotion it is great to make the most of the sunshine.
Last week the children did so well at creating their number animals, counting out spots and stripes, even doing some adding and subtracting!
Next week we will continue to look at numbers with different fun number games and activities. We are also keeping a daily watch over our caterpillars that are in their chrysalis, next week they should be turning into beautiful butterflies.
In our small group time we will be having fun playing with different musical instruments, listening to the different sounds they make and following simple rhythms.Sabrina will also be planning a fun activity from the letters and sounds programme.
Rising fives
Children going to Ashton keynes school will be having their first visit, Tina will be planning some fun activities for the children remaining at pre-school.
Diary dates
Monday 21st May- school visit
Monday 28th May- Half term week
Friday 15th June- Daddys are invited in for a fathers day breakfast
Wednesday 4th July- School leavers parents evening
Wednesday 11th July- Trip to Cattle country
Thursday 19th- Sports day
Kind regards
Fliss nad Team