Week Commencing 2nd July
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine ,
The children had a great time playing in the water and keeping cool with Ice play last week, we will continue this next week with a little twist!
The children have also created some lovely paintings, experimenting with different tools and using different painting techniques. Next week we will be doing some lovely summer crafts.
Our focus of the week will be Personal, social and emotional development-managing feelings and behaviour- We will be making a how are you today board for the children to talk about and record how they are feeling.
In our small group time we will be playing games that support speech, using props and fun sentence starters. We will also be playing Which one? from the letters and sounds Programme.Forest school will be next Wednesday afternoon, if this is not your child's session you are welcome to join us at 2.00. Please could all children have sun hats sun cream and a water bottle.
We would really appreciate a parent helper next Thursday morning if anyone is able to join us please let me know.
Rising fives: Our sound of the week will be 'r', and we will be going on shape hunts in the garden.
Don't forget to print off or collect a sponsor form for tough toddlers, this is going to be a great event so please join us and spread the word!
Diary dates:
Wednesday 4th- Teacher visiting from school, Forest school, leavers parents evening.
Sunday 8th- Tough toddlers
Wednesday 11th- Trip to cattle country
Monday 16th- Teachers visit from Ashton Keynes school.
Thursday 19th- Sports day, picnic and leavers ceremony 11.00-1.00 (In the park)
Wednesday 25th- Last day of term
Kindest regards
Fliss and team