Week Commencing 10th September
Dear parents/carers,
What a wonderful start to the new term, it was so lovely to see all the children again and they have all settled in so well.
The children had a great time making mud pies in the mud kitchen, and looking at different shapes they made in the sand.
The rising fives group had lots of fun doing dough disco, this is a great activity that strengthens the hand muscles for holding a pen correctly and drawing/writing.
Next week we will be continuing with our sand pictures but introducing some other materials and talking about the different textures.
When the hall is free we will be taking the parachute in to play some fun games.
In our small groups we will be focusing on Communication and language: listening and attention- so we will be playing a variety of fun games from our ‘I can’ cards. We will also be playing ‘drumming out doors’ from the letters and sounds programme.
Rising fives- We will be doing some threading and playing a game called teddy lost in the jungle.
Thank you to Billy’s Gramp for volunteering for parent help the children loved having him to play. If you have time to spare and are able to join us whether it be an hour or a session we would love for you to join us.
We would love it if you could send in a family photo for the children to share and put in the home corner, feel free to send one over and i can print it out at pre-school.
If you would like to purchase pre-school uniform there will be more information handed out next week.
Kindest regards
Fliss and team