Week Commencing 17th September
Dear Parents/carers,
Thank you for the lovely family photos you have sent in, if you have not yet done this please feel free to send me a photo and i can print it off to add to our family board.
In our small groups we will be drawing pictures and talking about our home and family and looking at their family photos. We will also be having a listening moment to see what different sounds we can hear.
Our focus for our adult led activity will be mathematics-numbers so we will be playing fun games with numbers and pom poms! counting them, matching them to numbers and sorting.
Following the children's interests we will be turning the role play area into a shop which will also support our numbers skills, as well as mark making with writing shopping lists and on the craft table we will be cutting and sticking from food/shop catalogues (if you have any at home or are going to the shops today please feel free to grab a free magazine/leaflet to bring in.)
We will also be making musical instruments in the garden, playing games with our large dice and acting out the story 'were going on a bear hunt'.
On thursday Kate will be restarting our fantastic forest school sessions so please bring in wellies and coat on this day, anyone not in on a thursday is welcome to join us, we will be changing the day throughout the year to give all the children the opportunity to join in. We will also be holding a trip to the forest school site on the spine road on Tuesday 16th October a letter will be going out next week so please look out for it in your child's draw.
Rising fives
We will be playing sound lotto, and will be making shapes and numbers using materials such as fluffy pipe cleaners.
Diary dates for this term
Thursday 20th- forest school session at the park,
Tuesday 16th October- Forest school trip (letter to follow)
Wednesday 24th- Inset day and start of half term.
Monday 5th November- start of term
Wednesday 12th December- Theatre trip
Have a lovely day
Kindest regards
Fliss and team.