Happy New Year!
Thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts we certainly enjoyed them over Christmas!
It was so lovely to see so many of you at our Christmas party the children all seemed to have a wonderful time and were very well behaved as always .
Pre-school will reopen on Tuesday 8th January 2019.
Next term we would like to encourage children to leave their own toys at home as there has been some upset over other children playing with them, and keeping track of them, i appreciate this can be difficult and we would not like the children to be distressed so if they are very adamant they must bring it to preschool we will have a basket for them to put them in when they come in and can collect them at home time.
Absences- Please could you call/ email if your child is off Pre-school, as many of the children receive grant funding the government require us to keep a record of absences and the reason to ensure funding is used appropriately.
Rising fives (Monday and Wednesday afternoons for 2019 school starters)
The children are all doing so well with the structure of the rising fives sessions, sitting at the table together taking part in a variety of focused activities, so next term we will move on to letter sound scrap books. We focus on one sound a week, it is great if you can join in at home they are welcome to bring in an item for our sound box each week. We sing songs around the sound and cut pictures out to stick into our sound books. The children show great pride in their books and often ask to take them home which is absolutely fine but please make sure they are returned for them to do their next sound. Our first sound will be s.
Enjoy the rest of your holidays and we will see you next week.
Kind regards
Fliss nad team