Week Commencing 21st January
Dear Parents,
Last week the children had great fun playing with ice! we froze items in blocks of ice and encouraged the children to think of different ways to get them out, they thought of some great ideas including rubbing the ice, putting water on it, rubbing play dough/ sand into it, cutting it and bashing it!
Next week as the colder weather arrives we will be making ice outdoors.
Our focus for the week will be physical development- moving and handling, providing activities such as rice play and peg boards to help there fine motor skills.
We will also be painting outdoors, and making bird feeders.
In our small groups we will be playing number games supporting their number knowledge 1-10, counting, recognising numerals, looking and one more and one less. We will also be having some Rhyming fun playing a game called Rhyming soup.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'a'. Please see the attached sheet for the full phonics letter list. For our letters and sounds activity we will be playing rhyming bingo.
SNACK- We would be very grateful if you could try and remember to donate some snack to our snack basket, it has been very empty lately. The grant and fees covers the cost of staff and rent and the committee work very hard to fund-raise for extras such as equipment and craft materials and if you are able to bring in an item of snack each week this frees up funds to use for things for your children. We encourage healthy eating so Items you could bring in could include, fruits and veg, crackers, bread sticks or rice cakes.
Kindest regards
Fliss and Team