Week Commencing 11th February
Dear Parents,
The children had a lovely week last week celebrating Chinese new year, we had some tasty foods to try each day. the children made a fantastic dragons head that we used in our dragon dancing in the hall, we looked at clips of the celebrations (a few children have asked if we can go next time but i think this trip may be a bit extravagant!).
Next week the children will be making some special things for their loved ones to celebrate valentines day and talking about who is special to us and why.
As the children have enjoyed using the junk materials to create their dragon last week we will be encouraging them to use this and make what ever there little imaginations wish.
In our small groups we will be focusing on Physical development playing ball games and using our action and yoga cards.
We are continuing to have fun with rhyming words and seeing if we can find the odd one out!
Rising fives
The sound of the week will be 'i', quite a tricky one as it has to be the sound not the letter so ink would be fine but ice starts with a eye sound. I look forward to seeing what you can find .
We will also be getting out our special puppets to play rhyming puppets from the letters and sounds program.
A few parents have contacted Leigh the photographer regarding digital images so she has sent me a some prices and information which i have attached.
Diary dates:
Friday 15th- Inset day pre-school closed
Monday 18th - Half term week.
Kindest regards
Fliss and Team