Week Commencing 18th March
Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who purchased a rednose biscuit last week, we had a lovely day on friday and had great fun in our red nose day music and movement session, all donations will be going to comic relief.
The children were very excited to see our tadpoles, a big thank you to Scarletts mummy Julia for bringing them in, we are looking forward to seeing them grow and change over the coming weeks.
Next week we will be mark making in foam, continuing to make our stain glass windows that some of you may have seen ready for Ashton keynes window wonderland this Friday, and starting making cards for certain special people!
In our small groups we will be focusing on people and communities- looking at different roles and jobs and talking about what we would like to do when we grow up. We will also be playing Tony the trains busy day from the letters and sounds programme.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'h', and we will be having fun playing musical corners, this is where the children are given a word and they have to listen to the initial sound and run to the matching corner.
Diary date
Monday 25th- clothing collection, please have a sort out of any clothes you no longer need and bring to pre-school by 9am. Please see our facebook page for a list of what can be donated.
Friday 29th- Mothers day lunch 12-1.00 please see attached invitation.
Monday 1st April- Zoo lab 11-12 all welcome
Tuesday 2nd- Parents evening please see your child's key-worker for an appointment.
Monday 8th- Start of Easter holidays
Tuesday 23rd- Back to pre-school
Kind regards
Fliss and tea