Week Commencing 1st April
Dear Parents,
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and making the most of the lovely weather!
It was so nice to see some o you on Friday for our mothers day lunch the children did a fantastic job at following their menus and making your lovely lunches .
The children had a great time playing builders last week, this included drawing plans, measuring areas using the tape measures, working together to build and sharing tools and materials, not to mention the lovely imagination and communication that went into this activity- so all round some fantastic learning through play.
Our Butterflies are now in their cocoons and the children have had great fun recreating the life-cycles in play.
We are very excited about zoo lab visiting next week and are looking forward to seeing what lovely creatures they bring along this time!
Next week the children will be doing some fun Easter crafts including making egg shapes with painting and mashers! making Easter cards, going on egg hunts and of course making traditional chocolate Easter nests!
In our small groups we will be decorating eggs using our drawing skills to follow patterns and lines and having fun with mirror play- using small mirrors to look at the different moth shapes we make to make different sounds.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'm'. Our letters and sounds activity will be one of the children's favorites- silly soup, this involves singing our silly song whilst mixing a range of objects in a bowl that all begin with the same sound.
We will be holding our annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday 13th April so please put it in your diaries and come along to support us and have some Easter fun.
Diary dates:
Monday 1st April- Zoo lab 11-12 ALL WELCOME
Tuesday 2nd- Parents evening please see your child's key-worker for an appointment.
Monday 8th- Start of Easter holidays
Saturday 13th -Easter egg hunt
Tuesday 23rd- Back to pre-school
Have a lovely mothers day
Kind regards
Fliss and team