Week Commencing 4th March
Dear Parents
The children made the most of the lovely weather last week playing in the water tray, playing ring games and ball games in the garden. Sadly it wasn't to last but at least the children will be happy that the water butt will be full!
Next week we will be having lots of story related fun, acting out stories, reading our favourite books and making books. On thursday it is world book day so don't forget to dress up! All week we would love for your child to share their favourite stories with us. On Thursday we have Kate Hunt in to do a special story session with the children.
In small group time we will be playing shape games and will be making aliens and giving them fun names such as pinky ponky from the planet 'p' focusing on a different initial sound for each alien.
Rising fives
Our sound of the week will be 'c,k' don't forget to go on around your home and hunt for the correct sound to bring in and share.
Don't forget to get your tickets for race night on Friday and invite your friends and family.
Snack basket stars
Thank you to everyone who contributes to our snack basket, let us know when your child has brought something in and we will give them a special mention in our snack basket stars.
Diary dates:
Thursday 7th - World book day
Friday 8th- Race night
Friday 15th Red nose day- PJ day and biscuit sale.
Kindest regards
Fliss and team