Week Commencing 21st January
Dear Parents, Last week the children had great fun playing with ice! we froze items in blocks of ice and encouraged the children to think...
Week Commencing 14th January
Dear parents, I hope you have all had a good week, we are all back in routine now and the children have settled back in well. This week...
Happy New Year!
Thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts we certainly enjoyed them over Christmas! It was so lovely to see so many of you at our...
Week Commencing 17th December
Dear Parents, We have had another wonderful Christmas week at preschool with the lovely school nativity, a fantastic trip to the theater...
Week Commencing 10th December
Dear parents, What a fabulous glittery week we had last week! the children were full of exciting news about Christmas trees and visits to...
Week Commencing 3rd December
Dear parents, Well we have reached the 1st of December so that means we will be getting very festive over the next few weeks. Next week...
Week Commencing 26th November
Dear Parents, I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend, Last week the children did very well with their measuring and putting objects...
Week Commencing 19th November
Dear parents, Thank you for all your support in buying the children's wonderful cakes, and for those that were able to join us for our...
Week Commencing 12th November
Dear parents, I hope you have had a lovely week, we have had great fun with some firework inspired activities, with firework dancing in...
Week Commencing 22nd October
Dear parents, Well i can't believe we have already nearly reached the end of our first half term, The children have all been an absolute...